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Prenatal and New Parenting Information

Prenatal and New Parenting Information
The Kirkland District FHT has a group of Nurse Practitioners and family doctors who love doing obstetrics and looking after children. We accept referrals for new prenatal patients from other family doctors and obstetricians  as well as providing service to our own enrolled patients.

At present, we work collaboratively with the Temiskaming Hospital where they deliver babies and assist in Prenatal Care. 

As with any web based internet resource, use the information at your own risk and clarify any intervention with your own doctor if needed.

Safety of meds during pregnancy and breastfeeding is a concern for many. The Sick Kids web site has some valuable information on this subject. 
Visit their website to get the information

The Institut national de santè publique du Quèbec is proud to present the 2009 edition of From Tiny Tot to Toddler, which, for the second year, focuses on the period from pregnancy until the child reaches the age of two. The new sections on pregnancy and delivery have been received with a great deal of enthusiasm by mothers, fathers, and health professionals who use this guide regularly in dealing with pregnant women. The guide is still distributed free of charge to future parents.
Download the guide
A complete guide to Prenatal Screening Testing

Your baby's first year is a time of great change. Good nutrition is important for your baby's growth, health and learning how to eat. Ottawa Public Health has some very useful information on feeding babies in the first 6 months.
Visit their website to get the information

Dr. Jack Newman and Edith Kernerman's website provides more about breastfeeding.
Visit their website to get the information

Wholesome Baby Food is a good source of information on introducing solids to your babies diet.
Visit their website to get the information

The Canadian pediatric society has good info about immunizations.
Visit their website to get the information